Monday, December 14, 2009

Story - The Christmas Presents

The story we're reading this week, "The Christmas Presents" is a simpler version of a very famous short story by a U.S. writer named O. Henry. He wrote it in 1906 - more than 100 years ago.

Here's a longer version than what we read. If you see a blue word, you can put your mouse on it to see a definition. After each part, there are a few questions to answer. Then go to the top of the page and click on "Go to Part 2" to continue reading.

The original story is called "The Gift of the Magi" and you can read it here A lot of the vocabulary is difficult and literary, but you already know the basic story, so you may be able to guess the meaning of some new words. Read it and let me know what you think! You can also listen here

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Asking about Jobs & Filling out Applications

Listen here and take notes

Listen here and take notes

Click the link and try the Intermediate Low and Intermediate High activities. Please ask me if you need help with it.

Fill out the online application (it's just for practice!) and let me check it when you're finished.

Monday, October 12, 2009

New Baby!

Hi Everyone,

Our baby arrived exactly on her due date, last Tuesday, October 6th. Her name is Claire Sylvia Dunn. Here's a picture of all of us at the hospital.

Thanks to all of you for your good wishes!


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Places to Visit

If you had the time and the money to go anyplace in the world, what place would you like to visit and why?

To answer, click on COMMENTS below. Write your answer in the blank box, then write your name.

To post your comment, choose Anonymous from the drop down menu where it says "comment as". Then click on Post Comment. If you need help, let me know!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


This week we read about how people in different countries have different customs to celebrate birthdays. How do people in your family, your area, your country, or your religious group celebrate birthdays?

To answer, click on COMMENTS below. Write your answer in the blank box, then write your name.

To post your comment, choose Anonymous from the drop down menu where it says "comment as". Then click on Post Comment. If you need help, let me know!


Monday, September 7, 2009

Fall Semester 2009


This is the website for our level 4 & 5 English class. You'll find lots of useful things here, especially on the right side of the page. There are links to websites to help you practice reading, listening, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and more.

If you have questions about how to use this site, or if you find any problems with it, please tell me!

Welcome to our class!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson

I hope you're enjoying the last two weeks of class!

If you're interested in listening and reading about Michael Jackson, here's a link to the Voice of America news article about him.

To listen, go to the UPPER RIGHT corner and click on MP3 Stream (MP3) The file should download automatically and start playing after a few seconds.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Week 4

Practicing with Infinitives:

Which One? Gerund or Infinitive Quiz #2:

Another Quiz: Gerund or Infinitive? Which one is correct? Or are they both possible? Be careful....

LOTS of practice with Gerunds and Infinitives - This is NOT EASY!!! We've studied just the basics. Here's a whole lot more information and many practice exercises if you want more.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Week 3

Grammar - Practice with Gerunds (-ing forms)

Reading News on the Internet

  • California Distance Learning Project * This page has older stories, but you can listen, practice new words, etc. Click on a topic and picture on the page to find a very big list of stories.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Week 2

Grammar Practice:
Phrasal Verbs- Practice some more of the 2-word verbs that we've studied this week. (Each time you practice, the quiz will be a little different, so try it more than once.)

New Words:
from The Garbage Project, page 100
Here's the link to practice some of the new words.

Here's a conversation about trash and recyling systems in Japan. Listen to it and then try the quizzes.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer - Week 1

Listen & Read: This website may ask for your email address. You can type any address. :)

- Amish Traditions Clash with Economic Realities (Don't forget to try the exercises after you read & listen)

- After 100 Days in Office, Torture Debate Still Follows Obama (Don't forget to try the exercises after you read & listen)

Grammar Practice: Phrasal Verbs

- Practice some of the 2-word verbs that we've studied this week.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Try this (Difficult!) Grammar Test

Here's an online grammar test you might enjoy. We've studied some of it, but not all of the items will be familiar. If you want to, work together with a classmate to try it. Let me know what your final score is.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer and Fall Class Schedule

Hi everyone,

I've had lots of people ask me questions about classes during the summer and fall. Here's the schedule for our class for the next few months.

Friday, June 5th - Spring Semester ends

Monday, June 8th - Summer Classes begin (8 weeks)

Friday, July 3rd - Holiday for Independence Day - School Closed!

Friday July 31st - Summer Classes end

August - No English classes (but there are lots of others if you are looking for something to try!)

Tuesday, September 8th - Fall Semester Begins- Welcome Back!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Communicating with Healthcare Professionals

We're going to work on 4 different things in the next couple weeks. I'll be updating the links here as I add more material, so check back frequently.

Task 1: Call and make an appointment.

Type the patient's part of the conversation. Tell me that you completed it and I'll check it for you to make sure everything is correct.

Task 2: Follow the nurse's or doctor's instructions.

Task 3: Talk to a doctor about a health problem and symptoms.

Task 4: Answer questions about a medicine label.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Obesity - What's your Body Mass Index?

BMI or Body Mass Index is a new way to measure your body to see if you are normal, overweight, or obese. Click on the links below to try it. All you need to know is your height and weight.

If you use inches and pounds, click here

If you use centimeters and kilograms, click here
Type in your height and weight, and then click on Compute BMI. The number will appear and you can check it with the chart to the left.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Florence Nightingale - More Information

To read more about Florence Nightingale, try this website

Click on the BLUE questions to find more information about Florence Nightingale.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Helen Keller - Information and Photos

Click on this link to read more about Helen Keller and see lots of pictures of Helen and her teacher, Anne Sullivan. Start with Childhood and continue from there.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rosa Parks - Read about her Life

This week we've been reading about Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycotts. Here's a LOT more information about Mrs. Parks and the boycotts. Click on Start to begin reading about Mrs. Parks, then click Next after you read each page.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Weekly Homework

Hi Students,

Don't forget that your homework for this class every week is to write sentences with the 10 words from our vocabulary list. We'll study the words in class all week, so I suggest that you wait until Thursday or Friday to do this homework. By that time, you'll probably understand the words well and be able to write the sentences more easily.

If you have any questions about this homework, please ask me!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Week 3 Grammar Practice

This week we're reviewing the past tense, starting with the verb TO BE.

Go to this page -

Scroll down and read the examples of Past Positive, then look at the upper left part of the page and click on Exercise to practice.

Then try 10b, the Past Negative and the Exercise.

Finally try 10c, the Past Questions and the Exercise.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Week 2 - Grammar Practice

Click on the link to read about USED TO in English.

When you finish, try the practice exercises on this page.

(you can get the answers by clicking at the bottom of the page)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hi! This is the website for our level 4 & 5 English class. You'll find lots of useful things here:
  • Listening Practice (I record our reading every week so you can listen to it.)
  • New Words (Vocabulary practice from our reading.)
  • Websites for studying English